Integrated Support Service for Persons with Severe Physical Disabilities

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International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
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Service Objectives

  • We are authorized to administer special subsidies for severely disabled persons for the purpose of renting medical respiratory support medical equipment and purchasing other medical consumables related to respiratory support medical equipment.
  • Through providing a series of integrated home-based care services, we help meet the care requirements of severely disabled persons living in the community; at the same time, we help mitigate the stress experienced by their family members/carers; improve their quality of life; and provide support for them in community living.

Service Contents

Our service are provided by a multi-disciplinary professional team (comprising case managers, nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists) who will assess and design a personal training plan and a customized service plan for each service user. Based on the plans, we also provide home-based training for our service users. Our case manager adopts a holistic service concept to provide an integrated model that includes counselling, collaborating community resources, providing emotional support to service users and family members, and assisting service users to apply for subsidy and allowances as appropriate.

Range of Services:

  • Case management service
  • Personal care service
  • Respite service
  • Nursing care service
  • Rehabilation training by occupational therapist / physiotherapist
  • Maintenance exercise
  • Escort service
  • Carer support service
  • Transportation service

Service Target

Cash Subsidy

  1. Respiratory Support Medical Equipment (RSME) dependents and whose level of disability as assessed by medical doctors of public hospitals/ clinics are equivalent to that for receiving HDA under the SSA Scheme; and
  2. Renting RSME and/or using medical consumables as listed by SWD; and
  3. Pass the financial assessment; and
  4. Without receiving any relevant assistance provided by the government or charity fund; or
  5. Living in community and receiving Higher Disability Allowance (HDA) under the Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme; or
  6. Those being hospitalised but with a definitive discharge plan, and having the need to rent or having started renting the RSME as listed by SWD and/or purchased medical consumables listed by SWD; or
  7. RSME dependents who had received HDA under the SSA Scheme, but converted to receive Normal Disability Allowance (NDA) because they turned to receiving care in residential institutions subsidised by the Government (including subsidised places in subvented/ contract homes and residential care homes under various bought place schemes) or any public hospital or institution under the Hospital Authority, or boarding in a special school under the Education Bureau and still have to rent or have started renting the RSME listed by SWD and/or purchased medical consumables listed by SWD.

Integrated Home-based Support Service

  1. Persons with severe physical disabilities requiring RSME and constant attendance as assessed by our Physiotherapists or Occupation Therapists, and living in the community (irrespective of whether they are entitled to the cash subsidy specified above); or
  2. Tetraplegia patients living in the community; or
  3. Persons with severe physical disabilities who are assessed by the Physiotherapist/ Occupational Therapist to have rehabilitation / care needs comparable to tetraplegic patients; or
  4. Who have completed the Assessment Tool for Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities, and are found to be eligible for services; or
  5. For service users of (1), (2) , (3) and (4) above taking accommodation in residential institutions subsidised by the Government or any public hospitals and institutions under the Hospital Authority, or boarding in special schools, services will only be provided during the period when they stay at home during home leave; or
  6. For service users of (1), (2) , (3) and (4) above living in self-financing homes for persons with disabilities, personal care, escort, transportation and home respite services will not be arranged as these services would have been provided by the home operators as regular service for service users.

*If having difficulties in assessing the tetraplegia or severe disability, applicants could seek assessment from our Physiotherapists or Occupation Therapists; or medical doctors of public hospitals/ clinics.

Service Boundaries

The service targets who lives in Kowloon, Hong Kong island and the Outlying islands

Application of Services

Persons eligible for the service can either approach the service operator or apply for the service through theirs social workers.

ISS 服務申請表(中文)

ISS 現金津貼申請表(中文)

Withdrawal of Services

  • Admission for long-term placement of subvented residential care service
  • Clients withdraw by own request
  • Deceased
  • Clients’ impairment level, health condition, supportive network and environmental conditions have been improved and no need in using the service
  • Hospitalisation for a period of more than three months without a specific discharge plan


Category of services Fee charging
Full package of services $1002
(monthly ceiling charges)
Individual service
Personal care# $33 per hour
Escort service# $33 per hour
Home respite service# $33 per hour
Rehabilitation training# $33 per hour
Service provided by Health Worker $33 per visit*
Service provided by Physiotherapist/ Occupational / Speech Therapist $52 per visit*
Service provided by Nurse $43 per visit*
Vehicle Booking Service $10 per trip

* Each visit lasts at least 45 minutes

# $33 for the first hour, $16.5 for half hour after first hour service.

^ Please consult duty officer for the price of meal service

Opening Hours

Mondays to Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays)
For special care service based on need when our Centre is closed, please contact our Social Worker.

Contact Us

Address: Units 6-10, G/F, Lai Tak House, Lai On Estate, Sham Shui Po / Units 501-502, On Hing House, Hing Wah (II) Estate, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

Telephone: 3959 1700

Fax: 3425 4994




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