Sham Shui Po District Support Centre

Service Objectives

Our service provides disabled persons who are in rehabilitation and their family members with a one-stop support service unit that includes: individual/group training, social and recreational activities, personal development and professional therapy services, thereby helping our service users to improve their independent living ability and to further develop their potential; moreover, we assist their family members to build a support network to help mitigate the pressure they experience in caregiving.

Service Contents

Our Agency Mission

The YMMSS is a multi-disciplinary social service agency operating under the auspices of the Methodist Church, Hong Kong. Through the Love of Jesus Christ and the commitment towards a social service laboratory spirit, our agency works consistently to innovate and provide quality services to meet emerging social needs.

Through an all-round training programme including: < names of training groups 1 & 2>, <independent living training >, we help our service users to develop their potential and to lay a good foundation for discovering opportunities for their future development.

 Independent Living Training

To help strengthen their independent living skills, we train our service users to learn the life skills required for daily living.


In this group, we provide an all-round curriculum to help our members to discover and develop their potential, and to improve their decision making power.


In this group, we help prepare our members for placements at the sheltered workshop or vocational training centre by providing life skills and work motivation training, and by helping them to develop their potential.

Note: The members of the 晴毅社 must be service users who are currently on the waiting list for admission to the sheltered workshop or the vocational training centre.

Professional Therapeutic Services

We provide different professional therapeutic services to help <our service users>, to assist them in their physical and mental development, and to improve their quality of life.

Occupational Therapy

We provide assessment and training in the development of cognition, sensation, muscular strength and self-care skills.

We help improve independent living skills through facilitating the use of appropriate rehabilitation aids and equipment;

We provide professional advice and support on improvement of home environment where necessary.


We provide service assessment and physiotherapy exercises;

We provide direct treatment and service referrals.

Support Service for Persons with Autism or Challenging Behaviours

This service is for persons with autism or challenging behaviours. Our Clinical Psychologists provide professional services that include inquiry, assessment, counselling and therapy, as well as training for the family members to handle their children’s needs and problems.

Support Service for Family Members/Carers

Our Service provides support for family members/carers through activities and temporary care service: interest groups, outings, workshops, etc. to enable sharing with other carers and our Centre’s staff, thereby helping to mitigate the stress experienced in caring for the person in rehabilitative training.

Temporary Care Service

Home-based Temporary Care


Volunteer and Community Inclusion Service

Through community education and volunteer service, we help to facilitate communication between our members and other members of the community, in order to promote inclusion, equality, participation, etc., and to help build a harmonious community.

Social Recreation Service


This Service provides multifarious social and recreational activities for disabled and able-bodied members aged 15 or older. Activities include: Christian fellowship, performing in plays, interest groups, etc. The purpose is to support our members with disabilities in community living, and in developing an inclusive environment with other able-bodied members.

Personal Development Service


Through different kinds of arts and crafts activities, e.g. dancing, handicrafts, etc. we help our service users to develop their potential and to nurture their creativity and skills, thereby helping them to improve their self-confidence and broaden their outlook in life.

Service Target

Membership Criteria

Persons requiring rehabilitation services and who are aged 6 or over, as well as their carers;
Applicants must be living in the Sham Shui Po District

Our Membership Groups

晴毅社、晴希社 <ditto> : Persons requiring rehabilitation training who are aged 15 or above, and who are not receiving rehabilitation day care services

晴樂社<ditto>: Persons requiring rehabilitation training who are aged 15 or above, and who are able to travel to and from our Centre independently, and have the ability for self-care.

Independent Living Training

Persons with disabilities who are aged 15 or older, and who have not yet received any daytime rehabilitative care services.

Professional Therapeutic Services

Persons aged 15 or older, who require rehabilitative training and who live in the Sham Shui Po district

Support Service for Persons with Autism or Challenging Behaviours

Persons aged 6 or older, who live in the Sham Shui Po district, and who are diagnosed with autism; who show signs of autistic behaviour and related symptoms, or who demonstrate challenging behaviours.

Note: Service users must not be currently served by clinical psychologists from other services or organizations.

Support Service for Family Members/Carers

Children aged 6 or older requiring rehabilitative training, and who live in the Sham Shui Po District

Service Boundaries

For more information, please call our center

Application of Services

Application Procedure

The service user or his/her family members can apply to our Office in person or by telephone. Should the service user meet the criteria for membership, they will have to fill out an application form and follow up with an appointment to see the Social Worker to complete the application procedure.

Membership Criteria

Persons requiring rehabilitation services and who are aged 6 or over, as well as their carers;

Applicants must be living in the Sham Shui Po District

Withdrawal of Services

How to Terminate our Service

Our members, service users and their family carers, guardians, as well as our Centre can consider terminating the service after careful and detailed consideration from all aspects; together, they will arrive at a consensus to terminate the service when required.

For members who have not contacted our Centre for over a year, or have not renewed their membership, they are considered as having voluntarily withdrawn from our services, including our daytime training services.


Membership fee for applications made between April 1 and September 30 of the year: $21; for applications made between October 1 of the year and March 31 of the following year: $10.

Activity/Service Fees will depend on the specific activity or service; for details please enquire at our Centre.

Service users who have problems in paying the fees listed could approach our Social Workers to apply for a fee reduction. They will help to review the families that require a fee subsidy on a regular basis.

Opening Hours

Opening Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9:00a.m.-12:30p.m. OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN

9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.

Subject to the needs of different activities
6:00-8:00p.m. OPEN

Contact Us

Address:Unit 201, 2/F, Ancillary Facilities Block, Cheung Sha Wan Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon

Tel:2710 8070

Fax:2788 3817,hk


Access by public transportation

By bus:

30X, 33A, 37, 41, 41A, 42, 42A, 43C, 44, 44P, 45, 46, 52X, 58X, 59A, 59X, 60X, 66X, 67X, 68X, 69X, 86C, 86P, 86X, 98C, 98S, 102, 102P, 171, N171, 234X, 238X, 265B, 270B, 886, 904, 905, E21, E21A, N21, N21A

By minibus: 75

MTR:  Cheung Sha Wan Station, Exit A3 (Note:Take elevator next to Exit A3 to the Podium);

Cheung Sha Wan Station, Exit B



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Activity Highlights

Sham Shui Po District Support Centre - 尼泊爾藝術體驗工作坊
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